
Monday, March 07, 2016

Art: Mother Earth

As of February 2015, Métis artist Christie Belcourt's painting "Wisdom of the Universe" was voted the most favourite work of art at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, Canada. Stunning, with a message to be seen and heard.

"In Ontario, over 200 species of plants and animals are listed as threatened, endangered or extinct. Of those, included in this painting are the Dwarf Lake Iris, the Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid, the Karner Blue butterfly, the West Virginia White butterfly, the Spring Blue-eyed Mary, the Cerulean Warbler and Acadian Flycatcher.

Globally, we live in a time of great upheaval. The state of the world is in crisis. We are witness to the unbearable suffering of species, including humans. Much of this we do to ourselves. It is possible for the planet to return to a state of well-being, but it requires a radical change in our thinking. It requires a willingness to be open to the idea that perhaps human beings have got it all wrong. ...." --Belcourt